Special Issue Description

Authors : Tidke M. D.

Page Nos : 185-186

Description :
Reasearch in exercise physiology involves immediate and long term effect of exercise and training on varios physiological systems. It is an established fact that improved performance in sports has a close relation with increased efficiency of different body systems. As a result of constant research in the area a wide variety of precedures both direct and ind irect have been established for the soulution of problems pertaining to improve performance in sports. While Dysmenorrhea is common among most menstruating women, there are steps that can be taken to relieve the discomfort and pain. Using a claender, keep track of your period by marking the first day of each period. The week before your period begins, it is a good idea to eat moderately and try to limit your intake of salt. This help reduce water retention, bloating, and headaches, keeping acive, do exercise especially during the first few days, is helpful as is resting with your feet up, taking warm baths, ans using a heating pad on abdomen. Exercises are helpful to alleviate pain, and other symptoms of dysmenorrhea.

Date of Online: 30 March 2017