Authors : Meshram V .
Page Nos : 416-418
Description :
The intention of this study was
to know the Health
Related Physical Fitness condition of
girls and to compare various Physical Fitness Test of Rural and Urban Region..(school going girls)
Total Three hundred subjects were randomly selected for the purpose of this study. One H
undred Fifty
girls Rural Region and One Hundred Fifty girls Urban Region of 12
15 years age group were selected
from the Maharashtra State
Board School. (Marathi Medium).
Physical parameters like abdominal
strength and endurance, cardio
ry, flexibility and body composition conditions like back and leg
ratio, body mass index, skin fold thickness. Various related tests were administered and data was
gathered from various schools, institutions and colleges for the purpose of this study.
The collected data
was analyzed with the help of suitable statistical procedures and „t‟ test was applied to make comparison
between Rural and Urban Region data scores. The level of significance was 0.05 level for this study.