Special Issue Description

Authors : Kaushik S . A . , Khedkar T . S. and Gadhikar Y. A.

Page Nos : 397-403

Description :
Definition of gene doping by World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) is as “the non – therapeutic use of genes or cells that have the capacity to enhance athletic performance”. Due to recent research related to genome and particularly the success of Human Genome Project, robust data is available about genes tha t influence performance and endurance in athletes. Gene doping is an unwanted brainchild of gene therapy. Gene therapy is used for medical treatment but gene doping is intended to change the function of normal cells in a healthy sports person. The transfer of gene could be performed by following methods: i) by injecting the gene directly into the muscle, ii) inserting genetically modified cells into the body, iii) using a vector to deliver the gene. Concerns are raised about the possible use of gene doping in sports in near future. In accordance with this threat, possible detection methods have also been developed. According to WADA, the expression of the inserted gene could be measured as a change in a particular protein or enzyme, or an increase in product ion of red blood cells.

Date of Online: 30 March 2017