Authors : BeriS . and Kanwar R.
Page Nos : 367-368
Description :
Sports medicine, also known as sport and exercise medicine (SEM), is a branch of medicine
deals with physical fitness and the treatment and prevention of injuries related to sports and
exercise. Although most sports teams have employed team physicians for many years, it is only since the
late 20th century that sports medicine has emerged as a d
istinct field of health care. Sports Medicine
bridges the gap between science and practice in the promotion of exercise and health, and in the scientific
assessment, study and understanding of sports performance. Regular features include: sports injury
vention and treatment; exercise for health; drugs in sport and recommendations for training and
nutrition. Designed as a superb reference source for physicians, sports medicine specialists,
physiotherapists, exercise physiologists, team doctors and trainer
s alike, Sports Medicine focuses on
definitive and comprehensive review articles that interpret and evaluate the current literature to provide
the rationale for, and application of, research findings. Sports Medicine is a special division of Health
Care Se
ctor, which takes care of physical fitness and injuries associated with sports & exercise. Sports
Medicine Companies provide effective treatments against the musculoskeletal issues. The concept of
Sports Medicine is not very old. It began in the late 20s.
However, Sports Medicine has become an
important sector itself. Sports Medicine comprises several forms of non
surgical orthopedic treatments.