Issue Description

Authors : Mulkalwar Manisha

Page Nos : 105-111

Description :
Educational evaluation is to determine the extent to which educational objectives have been achieved. The strength and success of an educational system mostly depends on the evaluation system. The study focused on the diversity in evaluation system at higher education. The universities in India have their own pattern of evaluation. In present many universities have adopted grading system for evaluation of students achievement is not uniform throughout the country. Thus direct comparison of the academic achievement of students of one university with that of another is difficult. Diversity in evaluation system followed by different varsities, students face problems in pursuing higher studies or applying for jobs. In the federal country like ours it is necessary to have a common system of evaluation should be adopted for uniformity and comparability so that student\'s mobility become easy. The study view that, grading should be cumulative grading and based on uniformity in the range of marks of grade interval with value based description. Also at the end of the course by using grading on the curve student\'s real progress in relation to similar group of students may be counted to bring uniformity and comparability in the system of evaluation at higher education. Keywords:- Grading system, Examination Reform, cumulative grading, Confidence band, Grading on the curve

Date of Online: 30 Nov 2015