Issue Description

Authors : Varsha N. Deshmukh

Page Nos : 95-97

Description :
There are numerous reasons for the increasing incidences of violence against women in India. The basic reason lies with the attitude of Indian male toward female especially in the rural areas where the social atmosphere is full of conservatism ignorance, and poverty. In urban area the autocratic nature of the male person is mostly responsible for violence and possess an attitude of domination, with female members in family. Even the educated urbanites are not exception though considerable changes have been occurring in the past few decades. therefore violence has continued to be a major problem in Indian society.The pathetic picture expose by the U.N. Population Fund report which on basis of its survey claimed that up to 70% of married women aged 15-49 in India are victims of beatings or coerced sex.

Date of Online: 30 Nov 2015