Issue Description

Authors : N. K. Bahekar and Yeshwant S. Maskare

Page Nos : 44-49

Description :
Population is an important resources for development. The population affects various demographic variable and it depends on the quality of population on which is decided by the educational level of the group. To improve the education quality of the population educational infrastructure is important. The nature of this infrastructure decides the development in various regions. This hyphothesis has been tested in this paper. Educational infrastructure is important quantitatively as well as qualitatively point of view. For quantitative analysis only the no. of educational institute at varies level is important. In the primary school are distributed almost equal but secondary and higher secondary school shows spatial differences. The student’s teacher ratio is a good indication of the quality of infrastructure. This ration also shows great variation within the region which ultimately results into educational qualities of the institutions. The northern part of the district is having better educational infrastructure and there chance better development compare to southern tehsils. Keywords : Demographic variable, Educational infrastructure, Spatial differences, Labour force.

Date of Online: 30 Nov 2015