Issue Description

Authors : Purnima Gaur

Page Nos : 18-23

Description :
Status of women in India is decided by social, political and economic hiearchy.It is socially and culturally constructed.Traditions and cultures play major role in it. Although sex ratio has declined due to many reasons, women provide force to development through various practices.Daughters are employed to work in the kitchen, they do work to serve food to earning members of the family.They are employed now in various schemes and projects of the govt.Women roles are keenly watched by the society. Their progress in education have made themselr sufficient.The constitution has provisions for their progress and betterment. Now they enjoy better life and livelihood.Govt. schemes have ensured their employment and income generation.They are more confident now.They have started revolting against undemocractic system of distribution of perks and power in the society.They are fighting against the evil practices in the society.The PINK SAREE GANG has influnced the film industry even.The KALI SAREE GANG is up against the wayward husbands and neighbours. The scientific developments have brought not good things for women. Now they fight against feticide, infanticide, dowry, honour killing and forced veiling too.But certainly they are better off now. They are socially, economically and politically strong now. They are in a demanding mode now.

Date of Online: 30 Nov 2015