Issue Description

Authors : Seema Mishra, Archana Dixit, Shobha Mahiswar

Page Nos : 281-297

Description :
Quality of water significantly affects human body, in Chhattisgarh due to presence of abundance quantity of dolomite in soil , the alkalinity of water as well as the calcium content and total dissolved solids is extremely high in comparison to the recommend contents .This water pollution precipitates problem of renal stones (Renal lithiasis) .Thus the state is known as Stone Belt Area. CKD –chronic kidney disease due to renal stones is like a community problem here. Ultimately dialysis is the life saving medical procedure, but repeated dialysis causes hyper-phosphataemia, this is etiological cause of repeated infections and cardiac problems. The study was done on the subjects who resides in the area where the TDS and alkalinity parameters were high, the victims of CKD of this area were randomly selected and their health parameters along with biochemical parameters were collected , the induced problems due to hardness of water and repeated dialysis were assessed and it is concluded that the related health problems imposed dyslipidemias and hyper phosphataemia that are major risk for cardiac health. Keywords: quality of water, renal lithiasis, CKD, dialysis

Date of Online: 30 Jan 2015