Issue Description

Authors : Jaysheela Baswant Manohar

Page Nos : 260-264

Description :
Infection with fever is a very common occurrence in our country. Our body is constantly under attack by infections agents, which are fought back. It is when the infection overrides the fighting capacity of the body that infections or fever appears. The body has immune systems and other defense mechanisms. Failure of these Precipitates infection. The role of nutrition is to maintain and strengthen these defense mechanisms of the body to fight the invading germs. Precipitated infection, however mild it may seem, can play have on the body resource, increasing the need for several nutrients, especially fluids, energy proteins, vitamins electrolytes. In case the infections are accompanied by fever, it adds to the nutritional stress since fever increases the metabolic rate, enhancing the energy needs. Fences of either long or short duration are caused by influenza, typhoid, tuberculosis, malaria, etc. Keywords: environmental effect, infection, nutritional status

Date of Online: 30 Jan 2015