Authors : Neeta D. Bhawnani
Page Nos : 200-207
Description :
A material becomes waste when it is discarded without expecting to be compensated for its
inherent value. These wastes may pose a potential hazard to the human health or the
environment (soil, air, water) when improperly treated, stored, transported or disposed of
managed. Currently in India even though hazardous wastes, emanations and effluents are
regulated, solid wastes often are disposed of. Out of the various categories of the wastes,
solid waste contributes a major share towards environmental degradation. Dengue is
rampant in Nagpur city. The highest number of positive case was 260 and 231 in 2013 and
2012 respective.293 positive cases out of total 2,396 serum samples tested were registered
between 1January to 31October 2014. Malaria cases in Nagpur city with as many as 68
positive cases being registered in seven months in 2011. The health impacts of new waste
management technologies and the increasing use of recycling and composting will require
assessment and monitoring. Recycling will help health to protect environment, conserves
natural resource and save energy the products price can come down.
Keywords: waste, environment, health, solid waste disposal