Issue Description

Authors : Sarita C. Deshpande, Dilip B. Sawarkar2

Page Nos : 165-172

Description :
Starting from HartogCommittee (1929), Wastage and stagnation have been extensively surveyed and studied in case of Primary education in India and also by others, world over. However, in higher education these and other conditions creating wastage have to be discussed deeply. Apart from wastage in terms of drop-outs and stagnation in terms of repetition of academic year of a program or course, there are other aspects that indicate wastage of human and /or non-human resources in higher education system. The reasons for such wastage may be Social, Economic, Educational or others. Understanding wastages other than stagnation and drop-outs and monitoring them to the minimal level based on self-experiences have been thefocus of this article. This article discusses human and nonhuman resource wastages at higher level of education separately and integrally. Based on self-experiences, the authors also put forward their reflective thoughts in the form of some suggestions or ways to reduce such wastages at higher level, especiallyat university level of education. Keywords: wastage, Human resources, non-human resources

Date of Online: 30 Jan 2015