Authors : Megha S. Paldhikar
Page Nos : 134-141
Description :
Biodegradable waste is a type of waste which can be broken down, in a reasonable amount
of time, into its base compounds by micro-organisms and other living things. There are
numerous biodegradable products can be used for various purposes & which further made
use in to the generation of electricity, heat as well as compost, biogas and biodegradation.
Non-biodegradable waste is those that cannot break down or degrade for many years, or
change into manure and piling up it causes pollution. Recycling of it is possible and useful
as well as combustion of it for steam and electricity can be done. Landfills are another
threat to environment which needs to be managed properly. Among non-biodegradable
plastic usage is more in advanced lifestyle, which have dangerous impact on ecosystem and
human beings.
Keywords: biodegradable, non-biodegradable, uses of biodegradable and non-biodegradable.