Issue Description

Authors : Rekha Lilhare, Sima Bijewar

Page Nos : 62-66

Description :
The causes of food waste or loss are numerous, and occur at the stages of production, processing, retailing and consumption. Food waste is the food that is discarded or cannot be used. Bio-waste is defined as biodegradable garden and park waste, food and kitchen waste from households, restaurants, caterers, retail premises, and comparable waste from food processing plants. The most significant benefits of proper bio-waste management - besides avoided emissions of greenhouse gases - would be the production of good quality compost and bio-gas that contribute to enhanced soil quality and resource efficiency, as well as a higher level of energy self-sufficiency. The main environmental threat from biodegradable waste is the production of methane in landfills. Biodegradable waste can be used for composting which turns the waste into humus. It can also be used as a resource for heat, electricity and fuel in future, by using anaerobic digestion as it is being achieved by the swiss Kompogas treatment for 20 years now. Keywords: health, environment, nutritional status, waste management techniques and food waste.

Date of Online: 30 Jan 2015