Authors : Harishchandra Kamdi
Page Nos : 263-264
Description :
I want to present my paper on the topic “Total Quality Management†in the 1st
International Congress on Science and Technology for Society at Bangkok, Thailand.
Total Quality Management is necessary to improving the quality. To select this topic for
discussion which is strategic approach of providing the best to customers through
continuous innovation and improvement in all products, services and process with the
involvement of everybody. Workers in TQM system are expected to make suggestions for
improving all aspects of the work process and are expected to share their specialized
knowledge with management so that it can be communicated through out the
organization. This research paper is highlighting a picture origin of TQM, principles of
TQM, factors of success of TQM, acknowledgement of TQM, Result of TQM, limitation of
TQM & conclusion.
Innovation, Improvement, Vision, Team Work, Learning Organization