Issue Description

Authors : Sunita Shende

Page Nos : 200-208

Description :
In the context of the aim and objectives of this study, a literature review was carried out to study the previous research efforts. The background considered the following aspects on the research question being posed; these are theoretical background, methodology, previous findings, etc. The research gaps were identified and the reviewed literature was used for synthesizing and gaining a new perspective of the issues concerning facilities available in physical education colleges. Wherever possible an attempt has been made to present the discussions in a chronological order, so that the review also indicates the underlying pattern of evolution of thoughts and ideas in the focused domain. Similarly, to the extent possible, care was taken to reproduce the original terminology used by the authors, to preserve the originality of the views. Keywords: Nutrition Related Problems of Supportless/Roofless Women in Wardha District

Date of Online: 30 May 2014