Authors : Sunil Sakure
Page Nos : 141-147
Description :
The effective implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi National rural employment
Guarantee Act would provide employment and income to individuals and develop
community assets and thus reduce poverty backwardness and even social inequalities
in the backward areas of Maharashtra. Rural development can be defined as a
progrmme which has strategy aimed at transforming the citizens in the rural areas from
victims of poverty, ignorance and diseases into a contended human beings able to earn
income capable of sustaining reasonable standard of living for himself and his family.
This paper presents findings of Maharashtra state and its impact on environment and
biodiversity. The programme has played vital role in awareness among villagers or poor
peoples. Education and awareness of the women and proper training seems to be one of
the most proved options till today.
MGNREGA, Rural development, Gram panchayat