Issue Description

Authors : Leena Langde

Page Nos : 29-33

Description :
The information technology has brought drastic changes in human life. Due to advancement of technology the human life becomes easy in every aspects, but it causing multiple problems in everyday life. The consumption of porn has increased due to easy access of internet. Publishing and transmitting pornographic material is illegal in country like India. There are certain sort of limitations in form of morality, decency and other similar standard in every form of society. Controlling pornography on the internet is problematic, so it may easily accessible to everyone. Today internet used for entertainment, educational, commercial purposes. It offers number of good things at the same time it is used as source of crime. The children or adolescents becomes victims of internet crimes and they subject to negative or bad impact of these technological innovations. Due to expansion of technology, Pornography is not only subject of morality but it subject to certain legal issues. Child pornography is illegal in many countries. In recent years, child pornography increasing rapidly. It is one of the major issue at national and international level. It is falls under the category of heinous crime because it encourages sexual abuse of children, sex tourism, human trafficking etc. The first legally binding treaty on the rights of the children is, The United nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989, Article 34 of convention stated that the states to undertake all appropriate national, bilateral and multinational measures for the protection of children from all forms of sexual exploitation and abuse. Despites of all national and international treaties, convention and national legislations, there is need for combating child pornography on virtual world. In this paper, the researcher analyses various aspects of child pornography in virtual world in the context of national and international legal and judicial framework.

Date of Online: 30 May 2023