Issue Description

Authors : Suwarna Sachin Mangrulkar

Page Nos : 521-525

Description :
Crime is an illegal act which gets punished by the law of the Land. Crime is considered as inevitable. In fact crimeless society is regarded as a myth. In the characteristics itself, law changes from time to time and place to place. Crime and Law, both are dynamic concepts which changes from time to time and place to place too. In early days the crimes were committed in the factual world. People used to fear the criminals but now because of technology we are not able to see the criminals as their presence is seen only in the virtual world. The cyber crime is a new invention of crimes made by some intellectual, intelligent, knowledgeable, educated in short sophisticated criminals. One can clearly observe that the cyber crimes started to operate when technology reaches it’s the highest point and took new shape to satisfy human wants and desires. As we know such types of crimes are done in the virtual world in the borderless world. Most of the time, the netizens remain unaware about the identity of persons to whom they are chatting and sharing personal information. Boundaries vanish when any person connects to the Internet and computers. Smart phone is another step when the whole globe can be connected with a device in your pocket. This is a challenging situation for the Law makers, the Investigating Agencies and the Judiciary too to give the Justice to the victims of Cyber Crimes.

Date of Online: 30 Jan 2023