Issue Description

Authors : Priyanka Mardikar

Page Nos : 515-520

Description :
Increase in cases of mob lynching sparked the protest named “Not in My Name” in 2017 majorly in Delhi. Not only did the number of mob lynching cases were on rise but also the incidences were so gruesome that it became the issue of national and international concern. Legislative steps were also taken to deal with this menace by introducing MASUKA bill in 2017. Few states like Manipur, West Bengal, Rajasthan, and Jharkhand also took initiative and bills for protection from lynching were introduced in these states. The article critically examines the central bill MASUKA to find the shortcomings in the draft. Moreover, the state bill also needs to be referred. Even though, the state enactments are similar to the central bill in majority of aspects still the disparities will help in determining the aspects like penalties and procedural steps differently. The article majorly will be divided into three parts the first part will critically examine the central draft bill. The second part will discuss the disparities in the state bills. The third part will focus on the shortcomings and proposed changes in the central bill which will be suggesting solutions for the shortcomings.

Date of Online: 30 Jan 2023