Issue Description

Authors : Manoj S. Andraskar

Page Nos : 92-96

Description :
The Dark Romanticism movement, one of the most significant ones that altered the course of American writing, is one of the many literary trends that have influenced American literature. It was a reaction to the transcendentalist who brought about an influx of positive emotion and feeling in romantic literature. Along with this positive note, several authors took a more realistic and depressing approach to the movement to expose, traumas, sin and the pessimistic nature of individual beings like Edgar Allan Poe, Herman Melville, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Emily Dickinson. Dark romantics always depict individuals’ emotions and their life experiences under adverse circumstances where the conflicting mind has a significant impact on building an individual's character or personality. Psychologically, an individual’s emotions and life experiences are nothing but the struggle with themselves and their conscience. These human traits are the weapon for gothic writings but it is very much darker in tone whereas, Dark romanticism is always shadowed under gothic but it is more general and beautiful in depicting circumstances. It is anti-romantic, where, the themes like dark, melancholy, death, madness, obsession, sin and guilt can also be studied. This paper would be an honest observation of such factors that contributes in creating dark and intense tone to know the unknown in the works of famous dark romantic writers of the time.

Date of Online: 30 Jan 2023