Authors : Dr. Vilas A. Nagpure
Page Nos : 18-22
Description :
Feminism is a tentative beginning in the development of a feminist literary aesthetic-one that is at odds with masculinist value standards measuring literature against an understanding of authentic female life. The primary focus lay with women and their perspectives, interests, rights and victimization which is a genuine endeavor to figure the issues and discover arrangements identified with gender problems. In various nations, women have stood up for their community and articulated their grievances needs and expectations as it is trusted that women are sub-par, uneducated, insulted and mistreated from birth. In the Androcentric Society, lady's primary consideration is to deal with her better half, youngsters and attending to the residential errands. Feminism has given a specific space to the women in the general public. During the 1960s the women's liberation movement begun where they attempted to reveal their unpleasant encounters and thusly they shaped their very own gatherings. Margaret Walters in her words says in Feminism: A short presentation: