Issue Description

Authors : Kalpana K. Kale

Page Nos : 92-99

Description :
The technology is changing daily, creating a continuous stream of new causes of action. Business becomes worldwide due to cost competitiveness and natural advantage that country has Interdependency is mantra of modern business. E-commerce is a type of business model that conduct its operations/ dealings of exchanging of goods and services or the transmitting of funds or data or terms of sale are performed over an electronic network. Today E-commerce provides tremendous opportunities in different areas of economic life. Wide spread use of ICT has opened the doors for developments in the field of business. E-business retail is decidedly convenient due to its 24-hour availability, global reach and generally efficient customer service. Its growth would depend to a great extent on effective IT security systems for which necessary technological and legal provisions need to be put in place constantly and strengthened instantly. The advancement of Information and Communication technology has brought a lot of changes in all spheres of daily life of human being. E-commerce has a lot of benefits which add value to customer’s satisfaction in terms of customer convenience in any place and enables the company to gain more competitive advantage over the other competitors. The companies, organizations, and communities in India are beginning to take advantage of the potential of e-commerce; critical challenges remain to be overcome before e-commerce would become an asset for common people. It is said e-Business is by the people, for the people and of the people. This paper overviews the complexity of e-commerce emerging role and its many facets. The paper compares the traditional business and E-business. It identifies benefits, recognize the limitations. Further, discuss its impact, the issues and constraints, challenges and opportunities in modern e-world.

Date of Online: 30 May 2022