Issue Description

Authors : Amol D. Thamke, Prof. Dr. Ranjana H. Lad

Page Nos : 58-62

Description :
Today's society is not talking about social relations but about cell phones. Its usefulness and its effect is seen in the fact that the use of mobile phones in India from 2000 to the present began from the top down in the community, in government institutions and in government institutions, adults and children have increased equally. in the midst of it all. This popularity, popularity and use has established mobile devices as an important social media link on the one hand, and on the other hand it has become a matter of public concern. Today, there are about 27 crore mobile users in India. Every fourth person in India has a cell phone. It is estimated that 10,000 mobile phone sets are sold every hour in India. Recently, India surpassed the United States in number of mobile phone users. Now China is just ahead of India. On average, a family in India has more than one cell phone. There was a time when the cell phone just said it could be called and heard, but it was still amazing because it was handled anywhere by hand. But now the use of cell phones has changed. Now it is not just a calling or listening device but it does many things at once. Whether you reduce or increase mobile use, it also affects your public health.

Date of Online: 30 May 2022