Issue Description

Authors : Dr.Ravindra B.Shende

Page Nos : 48-52

Description :
India is a peaceful country full of small villages. For the inclusive development of India. Use of Khedyakade Chala formula is always necessary rather than Pashchimekade Chala. The journey of inclusive development of India has continuously been in progress since last seventy five year. Many generation from past significantly contributed to this development. The contribution of present generation is also important. The geographical & economical structure of India is made of 6.5 lakh villages, hamlets and small localities. At the time of Indian independence, 86 percent people were living in rural and rustic areas. At the same time 80 percent people earned their livelihood from farming. Today, 68.84 percent people (as per census 2011) live in rural & rustic areas. Farming is the central point of rural economy. Indian economy is based & largely influenced by rural regions. It can seen that India has accepted the concept of rural development from perspectives formed by the world bank. According to the World Bank, Rural Development means to enhance living standard of people having low income. For self –sufficient rural economy, the supply of financial resources is used to make necessary chenges in production system and production technology. Rural Development programmes(Bhudan Chalwal,MGNREGA) gave quantitative result, but failed to give qualitative results as they were expected. Therefore, to get qualitative results, the deficiencies in and remedies over the schemes should be found out.

Date of Online: 30 May 2022