Issue Description

Authors : Jyoti S Ramteke

Page Nos : 185-189

Description :
Adolescents are a group of apparently healthy individuals. The health status of an adolescent determines the health status in his/her adulthood. Many serious diseases in adulthood have their roots in adolescence. Also, many adolescents do die prematurely due to various reasons that are either preventable or treatable and many more suffer from chronic ill-health and disability. We can categorize the health needs of the adolescents broadly into three categories- physical, psychological and social. The main health issues faced by the adolescents include: Mental health problems, early pregnancy and childbirth, human immunodeficiency virus/sexually transmitted infection (HIV/STI) and other infectious diseases, violence, unintentional injuries, malnutrition and substance abuse.

Date of Online: 30 Jan 2019