Issue Description

Authors : Rini Dwivedi

Page Nos : 183-185

Description :
Women have a distinct role to play in the development of the nation. In the role of mother, a woman shapes the personality and character of children and hence the ‘character of nation’. As a housewife, maintains the productivity of the human capital of making a contribution to the economy of the nation. All from this a woman herself represents a unit of human capital, and is therefore capable of making a contribution to the economy of the nation. Nehru had said “you can tell the condition of the nation by looking at the state of women.”And the following phrase of Manusmriti, “Na Stree Swathantryam Arhati” (woman undeserving for independence), reflects our whole attitude towards women in our country. Woman suffer discrimination and injustice in all stages of her life. Empowerment is a process which generates changes in our ideas and perceptions and create awareness about one’s rights and opportunities for self-development in all important sphere of life. Woman empowerment is an important issue addressed by all nations who prepare themselves for national development .Women constitute nearly half of our population, so they cannot be left out of any endeavor for building up the nation.

Date of Online: 30 Nov 2015