Issue Description

Authors : Prabha Chinchkhede

Page Nos : 104-115

Description :
The roots of any society are deeply roots in the history, so it is very difficult to trace the beginning of any social institution. The same is applicable to the marriage system also. In order to control we the sexual relationship men and women and to protect the children and elder persons of family. So marriage system came in to existence. is necessary to understand the meaning of marriage custom. According to the social reformers and philosophist the meaning of marriage is made clear it the social section to sexual relations lf men and women. Due to increase in educational levels and independence or self centred thinking the problems related to marriage started occurring frequently hence the study of problems related to Marriage. The study aims at finding out the different problems faced by the couple as for as marriage is concerned. ^^,d iwrh jMs] lkr iwrh jMsa] dky ikV ykoyk rh xMcMk yksGs** Meaning problem are not related to children, with one child or having seven children the problem are faced but as soon as marriage is takes place some problems on faced by an individual. To study different problems faced by the couples are studied under this research. Key words:- Marriage, intercaste and intracaste Marriage and their problems.

Date of Online: 30 Sep 2013