Issue Description

Authors : Jyoti D. Kamble

Page Nos : 200-206

Description :
Until the last ten thousand years or so living systems evolved in response to change in the abiotic environment unaffected by human activity. Since the development of agriculture and technology are increasing human impact on the environment has occurred. Modern Agricultural practices can also impact on biodiversity in other ecosystems through several ways such as unsustainable demands of water for irrigation as well as excessive use of nutrients and chemical inputs to control weeds , pests and diseases that result in problems of pollution. Agricultural food production also affected like Wheat, Rice, Vegetables and also milk products etc. Furthermore land and habitat conversion in particular forests, wet lands marginal lands to large scale and agricultural production also cause significant loss of biodiversity. Loss of fertile land and improper use of land for Building and property purpose also affect environment. Conservation means taking action to avoid species decline and extinction and permanent detrimental change to the environment. We need to concentrate on major environmental concerns in India are Air Pollution, Garbage disposal, Climate Change and Loss of Biodiversity. Conservation of all natural resources need to be consider. Measures to overcome problems of agricultural biodiversity are agricultural policies, incentives, markets or consumption patterns and therefore need support from government policy, Identifying adaptive management techniques, practices and policies and promoting responsible action for conservation of agricultural biodiversity. Keywords: Agricultural biodiversity ,human activities ,loss of biodiversity and pollution ,conservation of natural resources.

Date of Online: 30 Jan 2018