Issue Description

Authors : Sonali R. Bansod

Page Nos : 124-131

Description :
This article examines the extent to which work, stress affect the socio-economic status. Stress is a general term applied to various psychologic and physiologic pressures experienced or felt by people throughout their lives. Stress is defined as “A state of psychological and physiological imbalance resulting from the disparity between situational demand and the individual’s ability and motivation to meet those needs”. Stress can be positive or negative. There are many causes of stress at work or in organization. Socio-economic status encompasses not just income but also educational attainment socio-economic status affects overall human functioning our physical and mental health. Work is central to the psychological health and well being of individuals and communities. Vocational and industrial organizational psychology have demonstrated the importance of work and how it promotes connection to the broader social and economic world. Multiple factors can affect the physical health and psychological well-being of workers Research indicates that job strain and repetitive and hazardous work conditions may have detrimental effects on physical health. Work stress has been identified as risk factor for hypertension, diabetes, upper extremity, musculoskeletal problems, back problems and cardiovascular disease. Social and familiar support is essential to the psychological well-being of those under job strain. Keywords : Stress, Socio-Economic Status, Physical Health, Psychological Health

Date of Online: 30 Jan 2018