Issue Description

Authors : Patankar A. S. and Chore V. M.

Page Nos : 126-128

Description :
Yoga has an important role to play in the treatment of obesity. Yoga techniques affects body, internal organs, endocrine glands, brain, mind and other factors concerning Body - mind complex. Various yoga techniques can be practiced effectively to reduce the weight and achieve normal healthy condition of body and mind. Yoga can help you feel better, both improving your physical fitness and elevating your mood. Yoga has considered all aspects of health like physical, emotional and mental. Regular practice of yoga has different effects on the body which are permanent in nature than other techniques to maintain good health.Yoga positions or postures are especially useful to reduce the fats in various parts, especially forward bending, twisting and backward bending asanas help to reduce the fats near abdomen, hips and other areas. Also the practice of asa nas improves functioning of internal organs, strengthening heart, lungs, kidneys, excretory and reproductive organs. Regular practice builds strength in muscles. Doing yoga decreases stress, improves flexibility and increases muscle tone and strength.

Date of Online: 30 May 2017