Issue Description

Authors : Rokade S.G.

Page Nos : 121-125

Description :
In modern information era now the digital resources are readily available from many sources and those contents are available by the teachers and learners through the internet. In this paper study the role of LIS professiona l on OER, there are a number of libraries and library consortiums that have taken the forefoot in producing resources for all. Librarians, whose ranks are filled with specialists and experts in a variety of fields, can be contributors to the open education al commons by creating OERs themselves. India is becoming an active player not only in the open source software movement, but also in the Open Access (OA) movement and also the movement of Open Educational Resources. By this OERs and open educational movem ent the resourceful librarian with vision, who stays abreast and remains open to the changing trends in the educational world, who is knowledgeable of available resources both print and online, and who also gains experience with changing technologies, beco mes an essential partner in the collaborative educational efforts of both instructor and student .

Date of Online: 30 May 2017