Issue Description

Authors : Dhote P . N .

Page Nos : 115-120

Description :
The diversity of the Indian library scenario is an important aspect for consideration while speaking about a vision for the 3 rd millennium, since different library sectors in India are in various stages of development and no single solution or approach will be relevant in the Indian situation. Indian library and information sector can be divided into five major areas: the National Library sector; Academic library sector; the Special and Scientific library sector, Government library sector; and the Public library sector due to various factors the scientific and special library sector is much more developed and modernized than the other four sectors. The challenges which Indian libraries and librarians will encounter in the 3 rd millennium are manifold but the most important ch allenge will be the change in the very nature of libraries and librarians. The libraries must change from collection oriented institutions to service oriented organizations and librarians have to change from custodians of books and documents to information managers.

Date of Online: 30 May 2017