Issue Description

Authors : Wanare S.U.

Page Nos : 103-108

Description :
This paper is aims to present possibilities of PGT - Preimplantation Genetic Testing Like PGD - Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, PGS - Preimplantation Genetic Screening & CCS - Comprehensive Chromosomal Screening as a medium for sex ratio balancing & women empowerment. In the world where sex determination is banned, the picture shows, in low economy class, the couples are waiting for the male child and give birth to number of children. Use of Ultrasound technique for sex deter mination is mostly used in middle class of society. Female child aborted among them after the determination occurs. In high society, they are used the modern techniques of sex determination like PGD, PGS, CCS etc. In Indian context, the lower and middle cl ass society covers majority of population. And the above mentioned condition is affect on the women & child health of these classes. The said condition of lower class results into the major problems like increase in population, malnutrition, anemia, crimes and status of livelihood. Rather the strategy used by the middle class results into problem creates regarding to physical & mental health of women & child. The problems create due to this situation affects not only on sex ratio balance but also on women e mpowerment.

Date of Online: 30 May 2017