Issue Description

Authors : V. L. Jawan and B.S. Naiknaware

Page Nos : 75-78

Description :
Tourists always visit a particular place in search of pleasure. Sometimes this motive is supplemented by other motives like business, education, religious, medical, friends and relatives etc. Now a day’s tourism is called as the fourth dimension of modern economics. An impact of tourism has become is an important part of economy especially in the developing country like India. Tourism is classified as a pilgrimage tourism, heritage tourism, educational tourism, conference tourism, etc. Thus tourism is a tourist and the purpose for which he comes becomes the type of tourism. Tourism plays an important role to national integration of our country. Besides this development of tourism has also given rise to many problems like social and environmental pertaining to pollution, swage, hygiene facilities, and the important one is a slum problem etc. In order to minimize the above disadvantages and to increase the economic benefits of tourism study of problems of tourism is needed for proper planning and suggestions. In the present study an attempt has been made to identify the slum problems of pilgrimage tourism in pandharpur city. The important of present study lies in the fact that it is based on primary and secondary data which collected through visits and survey of destinations and record of municipal office of pandharpur city. Keywords: Tourism, pilgrimage, slums, environment, problems

Date of Online: 30 Jan 2017