Issue Description

Authors : Anand P. Pandit and Ajinath H. Choudhar

Page Nos : 63-68

Description :
Population Density significant influence over socioeconomic characteristics and transforms of rural communities. Distribution and density are most important and fundamental factors in the study of population geography. Distribution means the spread of population into aerial unit of irregular administrative size. “Density means ratio between the size of population and the area in sq. km.” It means man land ratio. Henry D. Harness first used the term, ‘Density of population’, in 1837 while preparing railway maps for Ireland. This is a ratio between population and area. The distribution of population is more locational, while density is more proportional. The distribution of population on the earth surface is uneven. The studies related to distribution tell us how many people live in which area, which have concentration of population and which area have very few people. Density of population plays an important part in any scheme related to health, trade and socio-economic development. In short it indicates possibilities of development. Political, economic and social aspects of life are influenced by distribution of population. We calculate the population density of various Villages of Shrigonda Tahsil. It is also interesting result and variation from one group to another group. The average density of Shrigonda tahsil was 59 persons per sq. km. according to 1951 census. And according to 2011 census the density of total tahsil was 194 persons per sq. km. Keywords: Rural transformation, Population Composition, Density, Socio-economic, Area etc.

Date of Online: 30 Jan 2017