Issue Description

Authors : Shrirang Baburao Patil

Page Nos : 174-176

Description :
The Right to Information Act is the base of cultured modern democracy. It gives freedom of speech and expression. It is basic right in Indian Constitution. At first Sweden passed it in 1760 as the freedom of information law. After it England and European nations followed it. The right gives the people to access. It means to acquire information from any offices by the law. This right is passed in 2005 for all the people. It includes an inspection of records, works and certified. It provides educational programmers to disadvantaged communities. The government of India has prescribed fees. Every public authority must publish in the local language. The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records held by it. Information laws can have positive impact on different spheres of society, politics and public administrations. People can complaint about officer’s delay or hesitate of their duties. Thus people can get information about various offices. Keywords: Indian Constitution, Right to Information Act, Democracy Positive impact on society, Politics & Public administration.

Date of Online: 30 Nov 2015