Issue Description

Authors : Chandrakant Babasaheb Pandit

Page Nos : 137-138

Description :
There is no unanimity on the concept of workers participation. This concept has been defined differently by different thinkers. Davis defines it as the ‘mental and emotional involvement of a person in a group situation which encourages him to identify himself with group goals and share responsibilities in them’. Industrial policy resolution of India says “In a socialist democracy, labour is a partner in the common task of development and should participate in it with enthusiasm.” “Workers participation in management is involvement of workers only in such areas of activities of the enterprises where they can make some positive contribution for the betterment of the enterprises.” Thus, workers participation encompasses at once ideological, political and techno -economic elements and cannot be adequately approached within the work of a single discipline. Workers participation is a mechanism to increase workers productivity or efficiency in general . The objectives which come to govern an economy , system of labour relations will be established in relation to the society’s political development and the level and character of the organisation of its working class. Keywords Management, Human Resource, Workers, Participation

Date of Online: 30 Nov 2015