Issue Description

Authors : K. G. Taramol

Page Nos : 132-133

Description :
Economic development is the result of contributions of the working population, both male and female in the region. The process of development would be incomplete and lopsided unless women are fully involved in it. The Government of Kerala State in India has introduced a novel scheme of poverty alleviation based on micro credit and self-help grouping. To eliminate poverty particularly that affects women, they should be encouraged to undertake micro enterprises with available credit facilities from banks and through micro credit. Kudumbashree views Micro Enterprise Development as an opportunity for providing gainful employment to the people below poverty line and thereby improving their income and living standard. When an enterprise is established and controlled by a woman, it not only boosts economic growth, but also has many desirable outcomes. The aim of this study is to investigate the various programmes that were introduced in order to enhance and empower the rural women from the below poverty line of Ernakulum district of Kerala state. Self-prepared questionnaire is administered among them. The finding reveals that economic empowerment of women in kudumbashree is greatly influenced by income generating activities. Keywords: Micro enterprise, Rural development, self-help groups, women micro entrepreneur.

Date of Online: 30 Nov 2015